Critically acclaimed films, restored classics, noteworthy films Critically acclaimed films, restored classics, noteworthy films
Critically acclaimed films, restored classics, noteworthy films Critically acclaimed films, restored classics, noteworthy films

Sponsorship Opportunities

By Supporting the Malibu Film Society, our sponsors are vital partners in presenting citywide cultural events to many enthusiastic and diverse audiences. Association with MFS also provides your organization with unique access to an artistically driven, valuable, and very hard-to-reach segment of the Malibu market.

We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your specific goals so that we can tailer your sponsorship for maximum effectiveness. We offer a broad spectrum of possible associations, from corporate entertainment and other special events to marketing exposure and naming opporunities.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit founded by the Malibu Times, CommCinema, and The Malibu Jewish Center & Synagogue, all sponsorships are tax-deductible. For more information, please contact Scott Tallal at 310 589-0223 or by email, Or you can provide the following information and we'll contact you directly.


Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to talking with you soon!

Sponsorshop Classification:
(annual fee)
Visibility of your Marks & Logos      
Print ads, mailing, posters & flyers large small ---
Mentions in all press releases    
Website Above the title Bottom of page ---
On screen pre-show exposure Video Logo slide Logo slide
Seating, Tickets, & Passes      
Tickets to annual Oscar Gala 4 2 0

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Malibu Film Society Corporation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit

Johannessen Construction   The Big Pictures  

Let MFS connect you to the artistically-driven, valuable and hard-to-reach Malibu market.
Click here for information on sponsorship opportunities.

©2014-2025 Malibu Film Society